Thursday, July 16, 2009

4 1/2 Months

I'll start this one off with one of my favorite pictures of Travis. The ears are too cute!

Travis is almost five months old! I can't believe how big he is getting. At his last check up we found out that he is very long (close to the 75th percentile) and "skinny" (close to the 40th percentile). He has a cute double chin and baby leg rolls so he isn't that skinny! He has a full head of light brown hair that gets thicker by the day. The back is growing so long that he will have to get a hair cut at 6 months old. He is so close to sitting up on his own and he has the pre-crawling moves down. Today he rolled over from his back to his stomach for the first time! He had the help of his blanket, but he rolled all the same. He laughs out loud, he talks and makes funny noises (most recently the high pitched squeal that he loves so much), and he blows bubbles! Thanks for teaching him that one, Landon! :) He and Albert play UFC each night. It is really cute to watch. Albert and Travis growl and yell at each other and Travis grabs and chews his face; he will put his face against Albert's shirt and shake it back and forth. After enough shaking he will look up at Albert and smile!

I love waking up to his big smile each day. He is pretty happy for a baby that doesn't seem to sleep very much! He is teething now and it seems like we may be in for a rough road. He doesn't sleep much during the day and he wakes up every 1 1/2 to 2 hours each night. He chews on everything and he has started to drool. I am exhausted by the time he goes to bed, and then I don't get much sleep during the night so I am learning to function as a sleep deprived mom now.

Skyler loves him dearly. She has been a great help to me. She holds him and plays with him and talks to him if he starts to cry. He gives her hugs and kisses and smiles and laughs when she walks into the room. Skyler calls him "Buddy" and tells me everyday how much she misses him when she is at summer day camp. She is a wonderful big sister. It melts my heart to see how well she takes care of him and talks about how she is going to teach him things and protect him from "big kids" when he goes to school.

Travis has been to Disneyland a few times now. He is a pretty good baby when we go out anywhere. Very little fussing (unless he is hungry) and he enjoys being outside. He spent his first 4th of July with Grandma and Grandpa. They took him to visit his great-grandparents and watch fireworks. Albert and I went to the Motor Cross/Monster Truck Rally and Fireworks show at the Fairplex. We didn't want to take the baby because it was going to be crazy loud. He had a very good time and my parents love to spend time with him. My mom spent a great deal of the night trying to save him from the strange people that wanted to change his diaper and hold him! It's interesting how people will stop us anywhere we go to ask if they can hold him! I don't mind being told that he is cute, but I have an issue with the touching thing!
Travis is rarely called by his name. Skyler calls him "Buddy", Albert calls him "Boo Boo", my family calls him "Little T" or "T-Dog", my grandma calls him "Captain", and I call him "Bug". I started out calling him cuddlebug, lovebug, snugglebug, etc, then just shortened it all to "Bug". My nephews already had the names "Little Man" and "Little Guy" so he needed his own moniker and ended up with about 10!
I love spending time with him, have I mentioned that already? :) But he enjoys going to Auntie Lynette's house too. He plays with his cousin and has a great time showing off all of his new tricks. I am so lucky that I have somewhere safe and loving for him to be while I have to work!

Tummy time in his super cute play yard!

Make it a double!

My little rubber baby can fit his toes in his mouth!

OMG...It's Been How Long...? I didn't really stick to my goal of keeping my blog updated. :) I tried, but life has been so crazy the last couple of months that I let some things go. Now to the update...I absolutely LOVE being at home with my little guy. He changes and grows so much each day. It is amazing to watch. He can almost sit up by himself now. He quite frequently topples over because he is trying to get to his feet, which he is mesmerized by. He gets frustrated with his tummy time because he tries to get going somewhere but can't quite get anywhere. He can move a full 360 if he kicks enough. He likes to chew on his hands and he tries to fit the whole thing in his mouth. Then he will gag until I remove the hand and then give me one of his full face smiles. His eyes are a beautiful color of blue (still!) and he is developing two sets of dimples. He is such a loving, funny, wonderful baby!

He loves to eat his hands. He can almost fit the whole thing in his mouth!

Finally a First Grader!

Skyler is now a big first grader! She made it through Kindergarten with flying colors. She really enjoyed her first year of school, but she is ready for the "big kid" playground. She starts August 10th. Unfortunately we won't be on the same schedule this year, but I will be able to take her to her first day of school.